written by Dr. Gilbert Danforth
It is not just for border states or counties because millions of people coming across the border don’t stay at the border.
It is more important today than ever to protect yourself, your family, and your community. In order to do that YOU need to know physically what to do but also legally and lawfully.
Our Constitution says we all have the right to bear arms. But because we have created statutes, rules and regulations that are enforced as though they are law, it becomes complicated. The “as though they are law” means they are not “LAW” because only Legislature makes LAWS. But City corporations and county corporations create statutes, rules and regulations. Then add on top of that Federal Laws, statutes, rules and regulations, regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies, FBI, NSA, …. it is easy to see how complicated things can get. Remember the Sadducees and Pharisees? Heaping up so many statutes, rules and regulations that no man can keep them. Remember?
If not, the story goes that the people kept going to the rabbis (those that study the laws of God and His Nature) for advise on how to do everything. (depending on man for what they should depend on God for.) and when they codify these rules and regulations and enforce them as though they are law, it created great revenue for the Lawyers (Sadducees and Pharisees) nothing new under the sun. It also created great revenue for the judges, prison, jails and filled up the court houses. (corruption and tyranny oportunity)
Getting a license to carry a handgun will give you protections that Constitutional carry cannot and will not. Because someone that carries Constitutionally has not had a background check, criminal background check, finger prints, and there is nothing to show they know or understand the laws, statutes, rules and regulations pertaining to carrying or possessing or even using a handgun. These are simple things to do when they are brought together in a way that is easy to learn, understand and apply.
Texas Carry Academy along with the DPS have created the ONLY Approved License to Carry Class in Texas. THE OFFICIAL NEW DPS REQUIRED ONLINE LICENSE TO CARRY CLASS. Here we have put together everything you need to tell the authorities you:
- are a good guy,
- have studied to show yourself approved
- love your country and fellow man
- Love the God of Creation and value life
Will the Police, Border Patrol or Homeland National Security be there to protect you?
How long does or would it take for law enforcement to arive at your home if you called 911?
Fact: when anyone is determined to do harm to you or your family, you can’t wait till help arrives. It is too late by then. Has anyone been saved by the police in a mass shooting? I mean, these are public places the police could get there fast, right? Truth is, the police will never be the hero in these cases because they are not there when it happens.
Fact: The only way police protect us is through deterrance. The only way law enforcement can protect us from illegal border crossing, drug cartels, terrorist is deterrance and those who have refused to build the wall to regulate who comes into our communites are guilty of dereliction of duty and have violated their Oaths of Office. That is another story for another time. Now is the time to protect ourselves!
Fact: There are many countries that have emptied their prisons to send them to the border countries so they can cross into our country. They are aided and abedded by our country loving representatives in washington D.C. and even our State Governors who do little more than complain to the federal government while they continue the fear mongering drama that causes us to cry “government protect us” (sarcasm). They would like you to think you can’t protect yourself and that you should depend on government to protect you personally.
Fact: Only you can protect yourself. We can’t have personal police officers with us in our homes, in the theater, at school, walking down the street. But we can learn to protect ourselves. There are certain places we have prohibited people from carrying handguns. If you don’t know these areas it would be easy to make a mistake and it could cost you dearly. It could get you a felony possesion in a school zone or other locations when you don’t know. Ignorance of the law is NO EXCUSE.
Fact: It is up to each person to learn and know the laws, statutes, rules and regulations and generally if you keep the 10 commandments you will not break any of them. But Because we have NON LAWMAKERS creating statutes, rules and regulations, we may run into unConstitutional or even unfair practices. Since City Prosecutors live to prosecute, you may be on the wrong end even if you keep the 10 commandments and know the Constitution. Because Greed and Corruption are always lurking and not knowing your Rights and how to enforce them will leave you open and vulnerable.
When the bible says “the poor, you have with you always”, I believe it is refering to ignorant people. Don’t be one of the IGNORANT PEOPLE!
It is the ignorant people that fill up our prisons and jails. Ignorant people fill up our courts and can’t defend themselves against a tyrant judge or tyrant prosecutor. Ignorant people allow the police to escalate their encounter, and allow searches because they don’t know they can refuse when asked “you don’t mind if i search your vehicle, right? You don’t have anything to hide, right?”
Even if you don’t have anything to hide, you can still get in serious trouble. A passenger may have left something in your car like drugs, even perscription drugs. They can Suspect you stole those drugs and even if you are innocent, you will have to get protection in a court if the Prosecutor decides to go there. Then there is the rare but possible dirty cop who will plant something in your car. If you let them search your car because you “have nothing to hide”, now they can say they found it during the search you consented to but now you regret it and can’t take it back. Make sense?
Did you know that many times the prosecutor never intends to prosecute but the threat of prosecution will draw a plea bargain?
Many people have criminal records because they decided to plea bargain due to fear that the judge and prosecutor can do anything they want. Ignorance of the Law, the rules that control the Judge and Prosecutor are simple to learn and you don’t have to be a lawyer to learn, understand and protect yourself from these people that swore an oath to protect and serve you.
The HOW TO WIN IN COURT COURSE is the first time in history that the people can now take back their LAW POWER. Anyone in any state can learn to protect themselve when the bullies and tyrants want to take advantage or even normal day to day things. You have access to write any legal paper with templates and resourses at your finger tips. You can even go back to a portion of the course that covers what you are looking for.
You will learn:
- Rules control everything and everyone including judges and lawyers.
- This course gives you all the tools and resources you need to make them do their jobs or do it your self.
- You will be able to defend yourself and enforce your rights
- Learn to write with power and purpose
- Recieve your Law Power to hold government official accountable
No Lawyer? No Problem
Get your power and protection back today. Everyone is learning to stand up to King George again. Don’t be left behind!! Because Poverty follows the Lazy, ignorant, poor and those who refuse instruction.
Start today CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION about how to win in court.